sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013

Láminas en inglés para 1er grado

Aqui les dejo unos links para descargar láminas en inglés para colorear: https://picasaweb.google.com/103482595338776523679/ColoringAlphabetEnglishBook1stGrade


Planeamiento de clase con video

!Saludos colegas!
este modelo de planeamiento me es útil en ocasiones en las que utilizo vídeos en mi clase, espero les sirva.

“A wise man will hear, and his learning will be increased”. (Proverbs1:5)
english lesson plan


objectives/ objetivos


EVALUATION criteria/criterios de evaluación

-       English vocabulary
-       American history
-       American geography
-       American culture

-       Listening and watching a conversation between American English native speakers.
-       Pronunciation and intonation learning.
-       Knowledge acquisition of some items of American’s history, geography and culture.

-       Watch a English spoken movie titled “Forest Gump”
-       Group activities and project work.
-       Make a data card of the film, including: Characters and a brief argument.
-       Making a time line of the events.
-       Searching for information of the geographical area.
-       Writing a list of the famous and historic people named in the film.

-       Use of vocabulary and constructions presented in the film.
-       Appreciation and respect for the recreational aspect of learning.
-       Use of quotes.
-       Responsible and positive attitude towards classmates, teachers, and school properties.